
We have 7 stories for this hashtag

Max's Kindness at the Beach
Beach Tales • 7 minutes read

Max's Kindness at the Beach

Lucy and her dog, Max, loved going to the beach together. Max was always excited to play with his frisbee in the sand and water. But one day, Lucy noticed that some of the other dogs at the beach didn't have toys to play with.

King Lionheart's Feast
Castle Tales • 13 minutes read

King Lionheart's Feast

King Lionheart was a kind-hearted king who loved all his animal friends dearly. One day, he invited all of them to stay at his castle for a grand feast! The animals were thrilled, but when they sat down to eat, there wasn't enough food to go around.

Lila and the Amazing Monkey
Circus Tales • 6 minutes read

Lila and the Amazing Monkey

Meet Lila, the talented acrobat who performs amazing stunts with her troupe. One day, while taking a break from practice, she notices a hungry monkey watching her eat an apple. Feeling sorry for the poor creature, Lila offers to share her lunch with the monkey.

The Green Garden Gang
City Tales • 10 minutes read

The Green Garden Gang

Once upon a time, in the middle of a big city, there was a group of friends who wanted to make their neighborhood greener and healthier. They decided to start a garden together! With shovels, rakes, and seeds in hand, they worked hard to plant all sorts of fruits and vegetables.

The Egg Hunt Friends
Farm Tales • 5 minutes read

The Egg Hunt Friends

It was springtime in the forest, and all the animals were getting ready for their favorite event - The Great Egg Hunt! Bunny, Squirrel, Duck, Hedgehog and other friends had decorated beautiful eggs to hide around the forest. But when little Hedgehog couldn't find any eggs at all, he started feeling sad and left out of the fun.

Rosie's Carrots
Kind Critters • 7 minutes read

Rosie's Carrots

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a group of animal friends who loved each other very much. They spent their days playing and exploring the wonders of nature together. However, when winter arrived and food became scarce, the animals began to worry about themselves and getting enough food to survive.

The Great Hide-and-Seek Challenge
Magical Adventures • 7 minutes read

The Great Hide-and-Seek Challenge

Once upon a time, in a cozy den deep in the woods, lived Mama Bear, Papa Bear and their little cub. They had been sleeping for months but finally woke up from hibernation excited to see the great outdoors again.