Circus Tales 10 minutes read


Overcoming Stage Fright with the Help of a Friend

Once upon a time, in a circus far away, there lived an elephant named Ellie. She was very shy and didn't like performing in front of the audience.

But with the help of her trainer Tom, Ellie gained confidence and became a star performer! Join Ellie on her journey as she overcomes her fears and becomes Elefantastic-Ellie under the big top tent!

Ellie the Shy Elephant

Ellie was a beautiful elephant who lived in the circus. She had big, floppy ears, a long trunk that she could use to pick things up and funny-looking tusks sticking out of her mouth.

Illustration: Ellie the Shy Elephant

While all the other animals in the circus loved performing for crowds and showing off their tricks, Ellie was different. You see, Ellie was very shy and afraid of performing in front of an audience.

Whenever it was time for her to go on stage or do a trick, Ellie would get nervous and start shaking with fear. Even though she knew deep down that she wanted to make everyone happy by doing her best - it just seemed too hard sometimes!

Despite trying over and over again; nothing ever seemed to work until one day something magical happened…

Tom the Trainer

Ellie’s trainer is a kind and patient man named Tom. He has been working in the circus for many years and has trained all sorts of animals, from lions to monkeys to elephants like Ellie. When he first meets her, he notices that she seems nervous around people and doesn’t like being out in front of the audience.

Illustration: Tom the Trainer

Tom knows just what to do to help Ellie feel more comfortable. He spends extra time with her every day, playing games and giving her special treats that she loves. At first, Ellie is hesitant around him, but soon she starts to warm up as they spend more time together.

One game they play involves throwing balls back and forth using their trunks. It’s not long before Ellie gets really good at this game - so good that sometimes Tom can barely keep up! They also go on walks around the circus grounds together, exploring new sights and smells.

Through these games and activities, Tom builds trust with Ellie little by little. She starts looking forward to their time together each day because it’s always fun and playful.

As they spend more time together, Tom begins introducing small acts for them to perform during practice sessions: walking through hoops or standing on two legs while holding a ball in his trunk! These simple exercises gradually build confidence within both Elephant & Trainer team allowing them work seamlessly under big top tent!

In no time at all kids everywhere were cheering for Elefantastic-Ellie & Terrific-Tom!!!

Building Confidence

Tom continued to work with Ellie every day, building her confidence little by little. He would come into her enclosure and sit down next to her, talking softly and gently touching her trunk or ears.

Illustration: Building Confidence

At first, Ellie was still very nervous around Tom. She would shy away from his touch or even try to move away from him altogether. But as time went on, she began to realize that Tom wasn’t going to hurt her.

Slowly but surely, Ellie started to open up more around Tom. She would let him play games with her using balls or even let him ride on her back! With each passing day, Ellie’s trust in Tom grew stronger.

Tom knew that building trust between an animal and their trainer takes time and patience. He never pushed Ellie too hard or forced her into situations that made her uncomfortable. Instead, he always took things slow and allowed Ellie to build confidence at a pace that felt comfortable for her.

Before long, it was clear that all of Tom’s hard work had paid off! Ellie was no longer afraid of being around people; she actually enjoyed spending time with them!

With this newfound confidence came a change in attitude for both Elephant & Trainer: They were ready for anything the circus could throw their way!

Ellie Practices with Tom

Ellie was so excited to start practicing with Tom. She had been feeling nervous about performing, but she knew that Tom would help her get better.

Illustration: Ellie Practices with Tom

Tom set up a bunch of props for Ellie to practice with. There were balls, hoops, and even a little trampoline! He showed her how to do different tricks and moves that would impress the audience.

At first, Ellie struggled quite a bit. She dropped balls or missed them completely. But every time she made a mistake, Tom was there to encourage her not to give up.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “Nobody gets it perfect on the first try!”

With each practice session, Ellie started getting better and better at the tricks they were working on together. She felt more confident in herself too!

Tom could see that all their hard work was paying off; he told Ellie how proud he was of her progress!

“Great job!” He exclaimed as they completed one particularly tricky maneuver together.

Ellie beamed from ear-to-ear - thrilled by his praise & encouragement: “Thank you!”


The day of the performance had finally arrived, and Ellie was feeling very nervous. She had practiced and practiced with Tom, but she still wasn’t sure if she was ready for this.

Illustration: Showtime!

As soon as the curtains opened up and lights flashed bright colors around them, Ellie became scared again. Her big ears flapped nervously as she looked out into the sea of faces in front of her. But then something happened that made all the difference: Ellie saw Tom smiling at her from below!

With a renewed sense of confidence, Ellie stepped forward to begin her performance. She started slowly at first, but then began to pick up speed as she got more comfortable.

The audience watched in amazement as Elephant & Trainer worked together flawlessly under the big top tent! They gasped when they saw Ellie lift Tom high into the air using only her trunk; cheered when he landed safely on top of one foot while balancing atop a giant ball.

Throughout it all, Tom never took his eyes off of Ellie - always encouraging & reassuring whenever he could see even a hint of doubt creeping onto his gentle pachyderm partner’s face.

And just like that…the show was over! The crowd erupted into cheers as Elefantastic-Ellie & Terrific-Tom took their final bow!

Ellie felt proud — not just because they’d put on such an amazing show or won over so many hearts but also because she knew how much hard work both herself and tom had put forth to get here today!

Together they’d overcome obstacles no elephant (or trainer) ever thought possible: proving once again that anything is possible with teamwork + faith in oneself.

And so it ends… another successful day for these two best friends who taught us all valuable lessons about courage, trust + perseverance along their journey toward becoming circus superstars!

A Flawless Performance

Finally, the big day arrived for Ellie and Tom. As they stepped into the spotlight, a wave of nervousness swept over Ellie. But then she looked down at Tom, who gave her an encouraging smile. This was all it took for Ellie to feel confident enough to perform.

Illustration: A Flawless Performance

Ellie and Tom began their routine flawlessly. The audience gasped as Ellie twirled around on one foot and balanced herself on a ball while standing on her hind legs! She even trumpeted along with the music!

Tom was beaming with pride as he watched his pupil shine in front of everyone.

As their performance came to an end, the entire crowd erupted into cheers! Little kids were clapping and screaming loudly; some even threw roses towards them!

Ellie felt so happy that she had overcome her fear of performing in front of others - thanks to Tom’s patient guidance.

After taking their final bow together; Elephant & Trainer hugged each other tightly before leaving the circus floor: ready for whatever adventure lay ahead!!!

Ellie and Tom’s Big Adventure

Ellie, the shy elephant, had never felt so brave in her life! With her trainer Tom by her side, she performed in front of a huge crowd at the circus. She tossed balls with her trunk and even let Tom ride on her back!

Illustration: Ellie and Tom's Big Adventure

Now that the show was over, Ellie felt happy and proud. She realized that she could do anything as long as she had someone to believe in her.

Tom noticed how much more confident Ellie had become since they started working together. He smiled at his favorite pachyderm duo and said,

“Ellie, you did an amazing job out there today! I’m so proud of you.”

Ellie beamed with joy hearing Tom’s words. She knew that without him believing in her abilities, she would have never made it this far.

As they walked back to their tent after the show, Ellie asked Tom,

“Tommy boy? What are we going to do tomorrow?”

“Well,” replied Tom thoughtfully. “We can always practice some new tricks or explore something new!”

This made Ellie excited for what was yet to come! She loved adventures with Tommy boy- he always helped make things fun when times were tough.

The lesson learned from this experience is that no matter how scary something may seem; having someone who believes in us makes all the difference! We should never give up on ourselves because there will always be someone willing to help us through our struggles like how Tommy boy helped Elefantastic-Ellie overcome hers!

And so ended another wonderful adventure between Elephant & Trainer…until their next big performance under the big top tent!

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